Friday 17th January 2025
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This is how we share information and good practices relating to mental health and wellbeing support in schools and colleges
What's New
Michael Syddall Accreditation
14th May 2024
Michael Syddall CofE (Aided) Primary School in Richmond, North Yorkshire receive AcSEED Award
Sherborne House Accreditation
16th January 2024
Sherborne House School in Chandlers Ford, Hampshire receive AcSEED Award
The AcSEED Newsletter
28th July 2022
AcSEED Newsletter for July 2022
UK Government blog
21st July 2022
What we are doing to improve the mental health of children and young people
AcSEED at MHW Show 2022
11th May 2022
AcSEED were a presenter and exhibitor at the Mental Health and Wellbeing show in Cardiff on 10th May 2022
Wistaston Accreditation
25th April 2022
Wistaston Church Lane Academy in Crewe, Cheshire receive AcSEED Award
Gorse Hall Accreditation
7th April 2022
Gorse Hall Primary and Nursery School in Stalybridge, Cheshire receive AcSEED Award
Crosby High Accreditation
7th April 2022
Crosby High School in Crosby, Merseyside receive AcSEED Award
St Olave's Accreditation
1st April 2022
St Olave's Grammer School in Orpington, Kent receive AcSEED Award
St Paul's Accreditation
19th August 2021
St Paul's Church of England Primary School in Stalybridge, Cheshire receive AcSEED Award
The AcSEED Newsletter
14th December 2020
AcSEED Newsletter for December 2020
On-line Wellbeing Support
11th December 2020
Kooth: An on-line Mental Health Support Platform
Mental Health in Schools Conference
11th November 2020
Report from the Westminster Insight conference on Mental Health and Wellbeing in Schools
Fairfield Road Accreditation
20th October 2020
Fairfield Road Primary School receive AcSEED Award
Newport Girls' get AcSEED Award
31st August 2020
Congratulations to Newport Girls' High School in Shropshire ...
First AcSEED Wellbeing Centre
25th June 2019
Trinity School and College opens the first AcSEED Wellbeing Centre
Victoria's Story
When I get asked about the support services available at my school I'm never sure what to say. The truth of the matter is I became ill at the age of fourteen yet was never once offered any type of emotional support. However I tried very hard to disguise my harmful behaviours and put on a pretence joy to disguise my true depression. So can the school really be blamed for not support me on a problem they didn't know existed? Maybe not. But surly there must have been some indicators to the outside world that something wasn't quite right. I got the impression people knew I was struggling emotionally but due to the stigma and shame associated with mental health difficulties they chose to turn a blind eye with the hope that if they ignored the problem it would vanish of its own accord.
Although it could be argued that they didn't know I needed support, shouldn't all students have an awareness of who they can go to if they need to talk? It shouldn't be a case of waiting until a young person is mentally ill or in crisis before they get offered support. As with many others this wasn't the case with me and I suffered for three years in silence. By the time I hit seventeen I was severely depressed and suicidal. I feel let down by the lack of support I received whilst at school.
At Sixth Form College for the first time I had the option of visiting a counsellor. Whist I didn't know what was wrong with me something was not quite right so I made an appointment. Unfortunately due to the severity of my mental state the counsellor felt it appropriate to break confidentiality and inform my GP. At the time this made me furious. I consequently broke down in class and told my tutor everything that had been going on. It was more than I had told anyone before. My tutor was amazing, it couldn't have been easy for her but I couldn't have asked for anything more. I didn't expect her to have all the answers I just wanted someone to listen and she did exactly that. I will never be able to thank my tutor enough for what she did for me that day. I only wish I had spoken sooner. When I think back over my recovery journey I see that conversation as the starting point.
I believe all schools have a responsibility of care for their young people. Ignoring the problem won't make it go away. I believe a lot of teachers feel out of their depth when it comes to supporting students but with some simple training they could be of valuable support to many young people. School experiences can be difficult for many young people especially those with mental illness, but with the right training schools could be a place of support and safety.